Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Place for Internship :)

hola everyone!

kamek dah nervous gila mok practical tok..tengah mok iron baju tok..masih sik tauk apa mok d pakei and everything laa..

things to prepare:

1. surat dari itm yaa.. 3 keping

2.note book kecik - 1

3.pen - 1

4. etc.. alalala

sampei jak kmk dari kuching hariya kmk terus check it out tempat prac kmk, wong koh ing & co.

no komen at all but i'll hope everything will be fine tomorrow.. ameen :)
Good luck guyss!

Shima :)


Anonymous said...

leks la...takde apa apa ya la heheh..good luck

Aiverra Shima said...

boss aku rockk.. best nya!!
balik awal pukul 5 tapi saturday keja! uwa:(