Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Place for Internship :)

hola everyone!

kamek dah nervous gila mok practical tok..tengah mok iron baju tok..masih sik tauk apa mok d pakei and everything laa..

things to prepare:

1. surat dari itm yaa.. 3 keping

2.note book kecik - 1

3.pen - 1

4. etc.. alalala

sampei jak kmk dari kuching hariya kmk terus check it out tempat prac kmk, wong koh ing & co.

no komen at all but i'll hope everything will be fine tomorrow.. ameen :)
Good luck guyss!

Shima :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

New age; New hair; Prepping up for internship

I'm posting this here because new hair is definitely a part of my preparation for the internship because before this my hair is definitely not intern-material.

New hair for the internship.. Nervous bout the hair, nervous bout internship.


Couldn't think of any better clique to tell but my dear fellow classmates. Hahaha!! Gone were the days of craziness.

p/s: Those who wish to post their latest news regarding the internship, do leave me a msg, I'll forward u the details to access this blog.

xoxo Joey

Friday, November 28, 2008

Well, well..

Some of of us seem to have been successfully switched to a different audit firm at the very last minute.. A dear friend of ours tried to changed hers but failed; pity her. BUT this one independent case came as a shock to hear.

Being the host of the sought after gossip portal, I'm responsible to let you know that our dear batch-mate have been successfully transferred to another audit firm.

Just when we thought our family name doesn't mean anything to any success, well, we've been proven wrong.

One thing that I don't get or anyone don't get as well is; why not try first? Giving up because you heard unpleasant rumors about the firm doesn't make you a hero does it? Why not try first, then if you still find it's not worth the legacy you inherited; well move on then. That's just my personal opinion though.

Well, I'm not a fan of dissing the dirt you see.. But once someone wronged me or my friends; it won't be nice J you can expect to see anymore.

Well, who am I to judge huh?

xoxo Joey

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Here's for the Pre & Post

Warmest welcome to dear classmates. As the Event & Party manager of the B.O.D, I've set up this blog site for us all to update on our latest goss; particularly bout our internship which will be commencing really soon!

Every little detail about your rollercoaster ride throughout your internship; yes we would like to know it. We demand for the details. For the Private & Confidential information regarding your firm; just leave them back in the office. It's the goss that we're excited about!

Hugs & Kisses;

Joey Cmong